Emergency Action Plan
Purpose of EAP: To provide Delaware Valley Regional High School Athletics with an emergency action plan (EAP) in case of a serious or life-threatening condition that arises during practice or competitions. ATC, coaches, and others involved in athletics must constantly be on guard for potential injuries, and although the occurrence of limb-threatening or life-threatening emergencies is not common, the potential exists. Therefore, prepared emergency responders must have planned in advance for the action to be taken in the event of such an emergency.
Need for EAP: The EAP has been categorized as a written document that defines the standard of care required during an emergency situation. Serious emergencies rarely happen, but when they do, a quick, organized response can make a difference between a successful and unsuccessful reaction to an emergency. An EAP that is well-planned will provide responders with the approach they need for an effective response. Also of significance is the legal basis for the development and application of an emergency plan. It is well known that organizational medical personnel, including certified athletic trainers, have a legal duty as reasonable and prudent professionals to ensure high-quality care of the participants.
Emergency Contacts: Fixed phones are not available outside the school building. A phone is available inside AT’s office (ATC has keys) and can be used for sports played inside the school (i.e. volleyball, basketball). In the instance that a fixed phone line is not available, cell phones are carried by ATC, coaches, athletic staff, and even spectators if necessary. The following is a list of important phone numbers needed in case of an emergency (cell phone numbers will be given to coaches only):
Diane Pona, ATC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . … 908-996-2132 ext. 6710
Lance Jacobs, Athletic Director (AD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 908-996-2132 ext. 6701
School Office Phone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 908-996-2132
Brittany Kollmer RN,BSN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 908-996-2132 ext. 6501
Dr. Hugh Prentice, School Doctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Call Ms. Pona or Ms. Kollmer
New Jersey State Police - Kingwood. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .908-996-2864
Poison Control Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........1-800-222-1222
Ambulance, Fire, Police. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …911
Information to be provided over the phone in case of emergency:
1. Name and phone number you are calling from
2. Exact location of emergency and directions (street names, buildings, landmarks, entry into the building, specific areas, etc.)
3. Type of injury or illness
4. Condition of patient(s) and type of aid being provided
5. Number of people injured
6. Other information as requested and be the last one to hang up
ATC will make the decision to call EMS and will personally make the call or they may assign a responsible person to call. Local EMS should also have a map of campus to aid in the response to an emergency. A map is located at the end of this document.
Chain of Command:
ATC is in charge of emergencies until EMS arrives. Doctors will assist if summoned by ATC. Coaches, CPR/AED/First Aid-certified students, and student AT’s (if applicable) are also available to assist ATC, but only if asked. The only exceptions are the visiting ATC, who is responsible for their team, and when ATC is not at games or practices, the head coach is in charge until ATC or EMS arrives.
Emergency Qualifications:
It is required that ATC and coaches are trained in CPR, AED, and first aid. Staff involved in athletic activities should comply with this rule if approved by BOE and certified in CPR, AED, and First Aid. It is recommended that all personnel also be trained in the prevention of disease transmission. EMS will not be on site for games or practices since they are located close enough to respond quickly to an emergency.
I. General Preparation
A. All coaches are required to be trained in first aid and CPR
B. All coaches are to have emergency contact information for all students under their care (i.e. athletes, stat keepers, managers, etc.) during all team functions.
C. Prior to each practice or game, each coach should obtain a walkie-talkie from the athletic training office. In addition, coaches should have a cell phone with them to serve as a back- up means of contacting the athletic trainer or athletic director or to contact a student’s parents or EMS if necessary. AEDs are required to be at the practice or game field or within a reasonable distance. See “AED Placement” below.
II. Injury Management
A. If the athletic trainer (AT) is at the field at the time of the injury, the AT will evaluate and treat the injury. The coach will contact the athlete’s parents.
B. If the injury is life-threatening, the AT will provide first aid while the coach contacts 911 and activates EMS. The coach will also contact the athlete’s parents and the athletic director (AD), who will then contact the building principal.
1. The coach will then assist the AT with first aid as needed.
2. The AD/Site Manager will serve as crowd control if necessary. They will also ensure that EMS can access the site. If the AD/Site Manager is not present, a coach will perform this function.
C. If the AT is not at the field, the coach will contact the AT and provide first aid as able until the AT arrives.
1. If the AT is not present at the field and the injury is apparently life-threatening (i.e. unconscious athlete, seizure, severe respiratory distress, spinal injury), the coach will call 911 and activate EMS while an assistant coach or responsible student summons the AT and AD.
2. In cases of sudden cardiac arrest, the coach will activate EMS and initiate CPR, including AED if available, while an assistant coach or responsible student summons the AT.
D. If no AT is available, the coach will provide first aid for all injuries as able. In the event of severe or life-threatening injuries, the coach will activate EMS and provide first aid as able. The coach, or an assistant coach, will contact the AD and the athlete’s parents. In the event of sudden cardiac arrest, the coach will initiate CPR and will send an assistant coach or a responsible athlete to retrieve the AED if there is not one already at the field.
E. After an injury, the coach, AT, and AD will ensure that the appropriate report is filled out and filed with the school. They will also follow up with the athlete or the athlete’s parents to ascertain how the athlete is progressing.
III. Environmental Conditions
A. Heat Illness
1. In hot weather, coaches will arrange practice schedules to allow for gradual heat acclimatization.
2. In hot weather, coaches will modify practices to decrease duration and intensity.
3. Cold water will be available ad libitum during practices and games in the heat.
4. Athletes showing signs or symptoms of heat illness should be immediately removed from participation and be treated with ice bags to the armpits, groin, neck, hands, and feet.
a. The coach will summon the AT who can then transport the athlete to the athletic training office for cold water immersion.
b. In cases of suspected heat stroke (altered mental status, vomiting, loss of consciousness), the coach should summon the AT to allow cold water immersion to begin as soon as possible and then activate EMS.
B. Cold Injury
1. Athletes suspected of hypothermia or frostbite should immediately be removed from the cold environment. The AT, assistant coach, or responsible student should accompany the injured athlete indoors
2. The AT, if not present, shall be summoned to meet the athlete indoors for further evaluation.
C. Lightning
1. Coaches shall always be alert to the sound of thunder or sight of lightning flashes. Coaches should check weather reports prior to practices and games and be especially vigilant if storms are predicted.
2. In the event that lightning is seen or thunder is heard all participants will immediately move into Delaware Valley Regional High School. Safe locations include: fully enclosed buildings with wiring and plumbing (i.e. schools, homes, field houses) and fully enclosed motor vehicles (i.e. buses, cars, vans). Locations that are not fully enclosed and do not have wiring and plumbing are not considered safe. These include: Press boxes, golf carts, and open garages.
3. In the event of lightning-related injury, EMS will be activated. If the athlete is conscious and able to be moved to a safe place, this should be done immediately. If moving the athlete is not possible, the coach will begin first aid as possible and summon the AT.
IV. Injury Management in Helmeted Sports
A. Coaches will keep the helmet toolbox with them during games and practices
B. In the event of an unconscious athlete or suspected spinal injury, the head coach will activate EMS and summon the AT.
C. The helmet’s facemask should be removed in order to allow access to the athlete’s airway.
D. The helmet and shoulder pads should be left in place. They should only be removed if the following apply:
1. The airway cannot be accessed by removal of the facemask.
2. The helmet does not fit properly and therefore does not provide adequate spinal stabilization.
E. In the event the helmet needs to be removed, the helmet and shoulder pads should be removed together.
V. AED Distribution
A. In accordance with Janet’s Law, an AED must be within a “reasonable distance” from any high school game or practice.
B. AED’s are mounted in the high school, located outside the trainer's and nurse's office. Sports utilizing the high school gymnasiums, the wrestling room, or weight room will use the AED outside the trainer’s office in the event of an emergency. Coaches should familiarize themselves with the locations of these devices.
C. AED’s are mounted outside high school at the boys lacrosse scoreboard, outside the shed at the field hockey/softball field, outside the library emergency exit, and main entrance.
D. Teams using school facilities on days in which the school is locked and there is no building access MUST make prior arrangements so that they have an AED at their practice.
E. Teams using off site venues that do not have an AED will be required to bring one with them for all games and practices. The coach is responsible for picking an AED up from the athletic training office and then returning it promptly at the end of the game or practice.
F. The athletic trainer and nurse will regularly check all AED’s on campus to ensure their batteries and electrodes have not expired.
VI. Procedures for Various Sport Locations at Delaware Valley Regional High School:
A. Indoor Practices for the Fall, Winter and Spring Sports In case of emergency a cell phone at the court will be used by ATC/Coach. ATC/Coach will give directions for EMS to the main gym Delaware Valley Regional High School if necessary. The school is located at 19 Senator Stout Road in Frenchtown. Someone will be assigned to meet EMS at the entrance to parking lot.
B. DVRHS on Campus Athletic Fields - In case of emergency a cell phone at the field will be used by ATC/Coach. ATC/Coach will give directions to the closest parking located at DVRHS to the field. The school is located at 19 Senator Stout Road in Frenchtown. Someone will be assigned to meet EMS at the entrance to the parking lot.
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