Commons Staff:

Mrs. Miceli - Library Media Specialist

Mr. Epstein - Commons Aide

Commons Hours:

 Monday - Friday: 7:00am-3:00pm  

Open during Unit Lunch

Commons Calendar

Click the buttons below to access Commons resources:

Commons Policies & Procedures:

All school rules and consequences as stated in the Conduct Code will apply.


  • Students are allowed to have drinks at the tables, chairs, and study carrels, but food is only allowed near the cafe. 

  • Students are to be mindful and respectful of the Commons and of other students around them.  Insubordination will not be tolerated and may lead to loss of Commons privileges.

  • Students should be working, reading, or relaxing. 

  • Push in your chair, clean up your space, and log off your laptop and plug it back into the charger when the bell rings.


  • When you arrive at the Commons, please end your SmartPass at the Circulation desk. 

  • Students in study hall who have a pass from a teacher to report to the Commons to finish work MUST report to their study hall first for attendance.  From there, they may start a SmartPass to come to the Commons.

  • Place books you are returning in the book return slot at the welcome desk.  



Databases & eBooks:

All databases require a specific login/password if used off-campus.  Please see Mrs. Miceli for remote login information.

Click the topics below to expand each section and reveal resources: