Strategic Planning

DelVal Student Achievement and Growth Strategic Plan One Page Overview

Strategic Planning Update 

At the August 26, 2024, Board of Education meeting, the district administration provided an update on the DVRHS Five-Year Strategic Plan to the Board and the school community. The presentation offered a high-level overview of the progress made towards the Phase 1 goals and outlined the next steps in achieving these ambitious objectives. The district remains committed to ongoing communication and actively seeking feedback throughout this process. Regular updates will be provided throughout the year, with the next formal update scheduled for early 2025.

DVRHS Five-Year Strategic Plan

The Delaware Valley Regional High School District has completed a Strategic Planning Process to develop a road map for the district. The process began by soliciting feedback and perspectives from all of our different stakeholder groups.  Following a data analysis process, the Board developed and prioritized its goals with a focus on supporting student achievement and growth. The Board of Education is committed to preparing our students for success at Delaware Valley Regional High School and beyond.

Utilizing these priorities, the Administrative Team completed a planning process to establish goals, action plans, and initiatives. This process led to the development of an ambitious but attainable Strategic Plan that was adopted by the Board of Education at their meeting on December 18, 2023. The plan breaks the goals into a three-phase timeline with regular formal and informal updates presented to the Board of Education and our school community throughout the five-year plan.

We are excited about implementing this plan and embracing the high expectations our community holds for our students! This plan will help set the course for the continual growth and improvement that our students deserve!  Thank you to all who participated and shared their voice in the creation of this plan!

Strategic Planning Process 

The Delaware Valley Regional High School District engaged in a Strategic Planning Process aimed at developing a road map for the district. We began the process by soliciting feedback and perspectives from all of our different stakeholder groups. Following a data analysis process, the Board worked to prioritize its goals with a focus on supporting student achievement and growth. 

Utilizing this information, the Board participated in a planning process to build consensus, prioritize goals, and commit available resources. This process led to the development of ambitious but attainable goals supported by milestones, metrics, as well as the necessary resources.

Following the development of these goals and action plans by the Administrative Team, the Board adopted a Five-Year District Strategic Plan and will use these identified priorities to guide the district's planning process moving forward. The Five-Year District Strategic Plan remains a living document and will be reported on twice a year at our Board of Education meetings. The Strategic Planning process was supported by Dr. Brian Zychowski and Kean University.

This process represents the work of many people in our drive to develop a culture of continual improvement and growth for our students!